Tennessee Elder Justice Conference - October 17, 2017
Where: Marriott 500 Hill Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37915
When: Oct 17, 2017 at 8:00am - 4:30pm
You are invited to join us for the first statewide Tennessee Elder Justice Conference, October 17, 2017 at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Knoxville, hosted by East Tennessee ElderWatch, a project of the ETHRA / East Tennessee Area Agency on Aging and Disability. You don't want to miss this exceptional conference!
Registration Rates:
$85 – Early Bird until August 15th!
$100 – Registration & CLE Credits (Early Bird until August 15th)
$95 – After August 15th
$110 – Registration & CLE Credits (After August 15th)
$80 – Group (5 or more from same organization)
To register – visit: https://tnejc.eventbrite.com
Four reasons why you should attend the 2017 Tennessee Elder Justice Conference:
- Nationally recognized speakers will share best practices in elder justice prosecution and share the work of the National Elder Justice Coalition
- Learn how cultural bias toward aging drives societal response to elder abuse
- Hear what financial institutions are doing and can do to prevent financial exploitation.
- Network with colleagues from across the state to learn from your peers and other experts in this field
The 2017 TN Elder Justice Conference planning committee is honored to feature two nationally recognized keynote speakers and three featured speakers who are experts in their respective fields.
Keynote Speakers:
Paul Greenwood, Deputy District Attorney for the San Diego Attorney's Office, will share his knowledge and best practices as the lead elder abuse prosecutor with 20+ years of experience.
Bob Blancato, National Coordinator of the Elder Justice Coalition, will share a national perspective on the work of the Coalition and the US Department of Justice.
Featured speakers:
Dr. Sandra McGuire, Professor Emeritus - The University of Tennessee, who will discuss Cultural Bias of Vulnerable Adults
Margie Quin, Assistant Special Agent In Charge - Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, who will present on the issues of Hidden Slavery / Labor Trafficking of elders and vulnerable adults
Michael Herndon, Deputy Assistant Director, Office for Older Americans - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who will share best practices for financial institutions on preventing Elder Financial Exploitation.
We are also honored to announce that Don Dare, WATE's On Your Side Consumer Reporter, will be our conference Emcee.
This event allows for sponsors and exhibitors to share information with attendees throughout the day – please check out the sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities as specified in this listing. More information is available on the Tennessee Elder Justice Conference website: http://tnelderjusticeconference.weebly.com/
The following educational credits are available:
- Law enforcement P.O.S.T. credits
- Licensed Social Workers CEU credits
- Attorney CLE credits