Become a Powerful Tools for Caregivers Class Leader
Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Class Leader Training
April 4 & 5, 2018
Location: ETHRA Office
9111 Cross Park Drive, Suite D100, Knoxville, TN 37923
Have you ever been a caregiver or know someone who is a caregiver? If so, then you are familiar with the challenges involved.
Wouldn’t it be great to offer the caregivers you know some tried and true tools that will help them to not just survive, but thrive in their caregiving role?
Then please don’t miss this opportunity to become a licensed class leader for Powerful Tools for Caregivers.
Master Trainers Dottie Lyvers, Michael Mailahn, and Connie Taylor have seen first-hand the tremendous difference the Powerful Tools for Caregivers class has made in the lives of caregivers for those with either a chronic illness or with special needs. That is why they are so excited to make this two-day training available to other people in the community.
A registration fee is required, which covers all materials and scripts needed to teach the class, food, and license.
For more information about the training requirements and a Class Leader application form, please contact Connie Taylor at (865) 306-1690 or taylor.ca99@gmail.com no later than March 23, 2018.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a six week evidence-based class. It teaches caregivers to thrive while they are caring for their loved one with a chronic illness. The class is co-lead and is scripted. Program basics can be found at www.powerfultoolsforcaregivers.org.