Spring Cleaning Supplies Donation Drive
Spring is here!
ETHRA Spring Cleaning Supply Donation Drive
Most of us are already planning our closet clean-outs and deep cleaning plans as the weather turns warmer. For many of those families who come to ETHRA for help, it can be a daunting, and sometimes impossible, task. Our Homemakers are there to help.
Right now, they could use your help!
ETHRA Homemaker Family Support is a program designed to help disabled, elderly, or mentally disabled individuals maintain and stabilize living in their own homes. Services are provided to elderly or persons with disabilities over 18 years of age who are in danger of being neglected, exploited, or abused and are referred by DHS or CSA. The homemaker works directly in the home of their clients, often doing tasks the individuals are no longer able to manage. They clean, tidy, change bed linens, help in meal preparation or even do essential shopping for their clients.
They also help these families learn skills that can benefit them doing some of these tasks as well. This has the benefit of strengthening our clients’ self-reliance in the long term.
It is crucial to maintain a clean, safe living environment for our clients, many of whom have underlying health issues that may be affected by their home environment. You can help these families get a fresh start!
How can I help?
Our hard-working homemakers are always in need of supplies. They visit 10-12 homes per week and that adds up to a lot of cleaning supplies! Items that you can contribute to help those programs include:
These items can be dropped off at any of our ETHRA county locations or directly at our regional office in Knoxville, Tennessee. You can also call 865-691-2551 ext. 7999 or email astsauvuer@ethra.org to make an appointment to drop off items!
*Only new, unopened items please!
I can’t drop off the supplies, but I still want to help!
Great! You can make a donation directly to our homemakers! Just click here to make a gift (and choose "Families in Crisis" as the option)!