1973 |
Tennessee Legislature passes HRA Act.
1974 - 1976 |
 ETHRA formed by local public officials to serve 16 county region. CETA provides Summer Youth and other jobs program funding. Services for the elderly begin to develop. ETHRA pioneers Women, Infant and Children’s Food Program. Local Recreation Programs coordinated. Early transportation program begins with 8 Easter Seals vans. Rural Health Initiative helps develop rural medical clinics. ETHRA accepts HUD funding to provide rental assistance. Home Delivered Meals Program begins on small scale. Second Start program developed to help women become self-supporting.
1977 - 1978
 Senior Nutrition expands with DHS funds. Legal Services for the Elderly begins using staff and pro bono attorneys. Appalachian Regional Commission transfers RIDE, Inc. to build transit system. DHS funds Homemaker services for protection of at-risk children and elderly. Ombudsman begins as advocate for nursing home residents. Area Agency on Aging transferred to ETHRA for administration and service delivery. ETHRA recognized as a Public Housing Authority. Housing Counseling funded through HUD. Governor’s discretionary funds helps problem youth.
1979 - 1981
 Garden Project supplements families and their food purchases. CETA funds used to train aides for first in-home care of elderly. Developmental Disabilities provided case management and purchase of care. ETHRA developed county offices to better serve customers. Respite Care for developmentally disabled funded by Mental Health & Mental Retardation. Home Day Care helped encourage small business development. Jobs Campaign helps clients improve job seeking skills. Talent Search helps guidance counselors find college funding for youth. Transportation expanded to rural areas of Knox County. ETHRA develops Emergency Management System and trauma center for the region. “Baby Love Buckle” helps enforce new child restraint law. Older Americans Act funds Home Delivered and Congregate Meals. Low Income Home Energy Program implemented for electric and fuel purchase. ETHRA revolutionizes Weatherization Program using private contractors.
1982 - 1986
 Dislocated Worker Program teaches survival skills and provides relocation assistance. Pre-Release Program teaches job and life skills prior to release from detention center. HUD Housing Voucher Program becomes part of Rental Assistance. Emergency Food and Shelter programs supervised. Older Worker Program helps remove barriers for seniors. Weatherization staff work with TVA to assess homes needing repairs. Job retention skills taught to youth sentenced through courts. Community Corrections probation funded to ease state prison over-crowding.
1987 - 1989
 First Tennessee JTPA funds ETHRA to provide services in Upper East Tennessee. Community Intervention created to help keep problem youth in school. Summer Youth Employment expanded to Cleveland State area. Mountain Valley Economic Opportunity Authority requests ETHRA management. Public Guardianship helps seniors assigned by the courts with life decisions. Single Parent and Displaced Homemaker helps clients find permanent employment. Joined with Knoxville Commuter Pool for ride share project. Blount CAA contracted for management services for their programs and staff. Senior Employment program funded through Commission on Aging. Misdemeanor Probation developed to assist local courts and jail overcrowding. Group Work Camps and ETHRA repaired homes for elderly and handicapped. ETHRA works with Maryville Church to establish child care center. Alternative youth program developed in coordination with Department of Correction.
1990 - 1993 |

THDA funding allows for repairs for elderly and handicapped homes. Transitional Child Care supports AFDC clients. ETHRA develops agreement to operate Anderson County CAA. Managed Mountain People’ s Day Care in White Oak. Offender Transition helps Brushy Mountain inmates learn to live in society. Drug and Alcohol Prevention helps at-risk youth. Oak Ridge contracts with ETHRA to operate city-wide transit system. IRS designates ETHRA as 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit agency. Displaced Homemaker Program funded by Walters State Community College. Coordinated with Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge Police for seat belt education. Meals Ready to Eat used to supplement snow packs for home delivered meals. Child Restraint Offender classes coordinated with Hamblen County court and police. Developed Highway Safety program with Blount County to identify drunk drivers. HOUSE repair programs developed through THDA. New Beginnings for single parents coordinated with Department of Education. Jobs for Tennessee Grads supported Alcoa High School students to improve graduation. Medical transportation provided for TennCare clients. Assisted Leadership Associates with small prefab homes for seniors. |
1994 - 1997 |

Health Promotions encourages healthy living through community presentations. Representative Payee designed to manage client ’ s funds for rent and life necessities. Built 3 bay garage facility for vehicle maintenance. Developed state-wide judicial conference for law enforcement training. Families First buys transportation services from ETHRA. HUD Self-Sufficiency program helps families with 5 year plan for independence. Became Lead Agency for Ryan White Consortium in 24 county area. Official sponsor of regional Senior Games. Began collecting jail fees for county governments through Misdemeanor Probation. Home and Community Based Services developed to reduce placement in nursing homes. Families First helps prepare welfare recipients for employment. Jobs Access now provides work and training transportation for welfare recipients. Phillip Morris funding allowed for expansion of meals program. ETHRA partners with AIDS support agency to provide housing for clients. Insurance Assistance Program helps clients keep health coverage they had prior to illness. |
1998 - 2000 |

Emergency Shelter helped homeless in rural areas. Tennessee Municipal League partnership to provide spill kits for offices and vans. Domestic Violence Intervention classes developed for court services. Ryan White Dental Care funded. Character Counts! promoted in school systems and businesses. Workforce Development Area 4 selects ETHRA as administrative agent. Bi-Lo corporation provided supplemental funding for meals programs. Phillip Morris Foundation awards funds for van and other equipment for Senior Nutrition. Lockheed Martin supports Senior Nutrition with funding for food. |
2001 - 2007 |
 HOME program expands to administering contracts for counties. HCBS programs takes new name of Options for Community Living. Phillip Morris provides funding for freezers and a van for Senior Nutrition. Sunset Review completed by Comptroller ’ s Office. Developed Tellico Child Development Center. Volunteers trained under Medicare Fraud Patrol. Extended Child Care Food Program to cover Centers. Agency accepts ongoing donation of computer equipment from local company. Provide coordination for Elder Watch Coalition. Regional Advisory Council assists with education and prevention of AIDS. Jane Pettaway Foundation funds single women ’ s support program. ETHRA begins operating Blount County Workforce Program. National Family Caregiver Program goes online. Assists Governor's Office with Imagination Library. Assists Governor's Office with registration for CoverTN. Tennessee AG provides court settlement funds for food and meal supplements. Home Ownership helps families build escrow accounts for home down payments. Disaster Relief assistance provided following tornado destruction. ETHRA and MVEOA licensed as in-home care providers. Lakeway Area Transit established. Call Center for Middle Tennessee AmeriChoice clients goes live. Assists Governor’s Office with distribution and installation of air conditioners.
2008 - 2010 |
 Began Minority Aid Initiative. Activated AmeriChoice Call Center for entire eastern Tennessee. Secured 1.7 million dollar special federal appropriation to replace 40 transit vehicles. RouteMatch program goes live as tool to dispatch vehicles. Career Readiness Certificate program begun. Senior Service America grant activated to help senior citizens go back to work. Home ownership program helps 16 families buy homes. Single point of entry program for aging services. Recognized as provider with CHOICES. Expands administrative staff to include Internal Auditor. First Executive Director retires and new Director selected. Recovery Act funds temporarily provide 10 million dollar boost to services. Career Center staff become ETHRA employees. Assisting Oak Ridge with multi-modal transit plan for Oak Ridge Corridor.