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How To Help

There are many ways to help people in your community through ETHRA programs. We need your volunteer time and your financial support.

When you designate ETHRA as your charity with vendor discount cards, the vendors will donate to our programs when you shop and it doesn't cost you anything!


Set your Kroger Plus Shopper's Card to donate to ETHRA when you shop



Volunteer OmbudsmanChildren Eating 


Cash donations may be targeted for specific purposes.  Memorial gifts are accepted and acknowledged with a card to the donor and the family.

Click here to learn more.

Helping to Serve


Many of our programs depend on volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time and skills. You can choose areas such as training to be a Volunteer Ombudsman or a Medicare Counselor, delivering meals to elderly individuals, helping serve meals to the elderly or to children in group settings.  Click here to learn more

Helping to Serve

That ramp is awesome. The guys worked all day installing it and it looks really good. I am so pleased. Thank you!

- Jeri O. / Office on Aging special grant for wheelchair ramps
Helping to Serve

Words cannot describe how much I appreciate the work on my house. I was scared of the electric heaters and now the new heat and air system is wonderful.

- Dorothy / Weatherization
Helping to Serve

I've been hired as a full-time nurse! It's been my dream and the job center helped me with school costs and now my children have a brighter future!

- Marla / American Job Center
Helping to Serve

My brother is mobility challenged and uses the ETHRA van to go everywhere he needs to go. He raves about how helpful and punctual the drivers are.

- Sister of a van rider.
Helping to Serve

You have a driver who says her name is Trish. She really goes the extra mile for her customers. Please let her know she is appreciated. Thank you.

- David (a transportation rider)
Helping to Serve

Thanks to my caseworker for believing in me and caring about me even when I felt like I let you down. I have a 4.5 GPA and college is a possibility!

- Michael/ Youth CIS Program
Helping to Serve

When the homemakers came in they were wearing masks because our house smelled so bad. I thought about how it looked to them - piled up everywhere. We didn't use to live like this. Just glad we can stay at home.

- Ellie / Homemaker client
Helping to Serve

I love what I do! It's not like going to work at all! It's more like I get paid to pick up my friends and run around all day!!

- Rubie / Transportation van driver
Helping to Serve

I love learning, working, and being around people as a SCSEP participant.

- Lois/ SCSEP Program
Helping to Serve

The staff at the local Job Center helped me find a job that allowed me to provide better care for my child. The CSBG office also helped me with my utility bill until my new pay check started. Thank you so much for the fresh start!

- Kristy / American Job Center & CSBG program
Helping to Serve

My husband took me everywhere so I did not learn to drive. After he was gone I just stayed at home. Everybody sort of forgot me. Lunch at the senior center and riding the van to buy groceries has helped me get out again.

- Marlene/ Senior Nutrition and Transportation