ETHRA Senior Nutrition Receives Grant from East Tennessee Foundation
Feb 15, 2017
East Tennessee Foundation and Consolidated Nuclear Security (CNS Y-12) Announce Grants for 2017
ETHRA's Senior Nutrition Program was one of 29 recipients of grants from the East Tennessee Foundation CNS Y-12 Community Investment Fund, a corporate donor advised fund of East Tennessee Foundation. Twenty-nine (29) grants totaling $125,000 were awarded to nonprofit organizations in 12 East Tennessee counties. The grant recipients will be honored at a reception on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at the New Hope Center in Oak Ridge.
CNS is the contractor at Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN, and the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX. In addition to managing its two sites, CNS has established funds at East Tennessee Foundation and Amarillo Area Foundation (AAF) as part of their commitment to the host communities of Amarillo and Oak Ridge, as well as their local counties and regions. By establishing these funds, CNS has created opportunities for ETF and AAF to work together as they create programs for CNS employees to work with their local community foundations to award grants benefitting nonprofit organizations in their respective regions. The
CNS Y-12 Investment Advisory Committee, comprised of CNS Y-12 employees, reviewed applications and recommended grants to support nonprofit organizations whose projects addressed one or more of the committee’s four focus areas: Education, Senior Citizens, Veterans, and Youth.
Janice Johnson, ETHRA Senior Nutrition Director, says the $4,000 award will help deliver meals to the senior citizens of Anderson, Campbell, Claiborne, Morgan, Scott, and Union counties where that population is currently in need of services. Ms. Johnson is most appreciative of these grant funds and the new partnership.
To learn more about the East Tennessee Foundation, follow this link: http://www.easttennesseefoundation.org