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Dec 21, 2023
Are you struggling to make rent payments in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? ETHRA can help!
Rental Assistance Provided:
The funding made available under this program will be used to provide rental assistance to qualifying tenants based on funding availability and program limits. Rental assistance provided:
- Will cover a tenant’s documented past-due rent up to the program maximums.
- Is limited to 24 months of delinquent rental arrearages and/or two months of perspective months.
- Can include reasonable late fees, court fees, eviction fees, and/or legal fees (if any), not to exceed the program maximum of $(enter #) per household;
- Shall not be duplicative of any other local/state or federal emergency rental assistance received by the tenant or the landlord for the tenant’s past-due or future rent. Any such duplicative assistance shall be deducted from the program payment amount.
Tenant Eligibility:
This program is available to tenants who meet all of the following criteria and requirements:
- Tenant has submitted a complete Eviction Prevention application;
- Tenant has provided the appropriate supporting documentation to verify income limit;
- Tenant meets the household income limit of 50% AMI or less;
- Tenant is or has been a tenant of a unit that is located within the counties of Anderson, Campbell, Claiborne, Scott, Morgan and Union;
- Tenant is or will be obligated to pay rent under a lease or agreement for such unit; and
- Tenant is at risk of eviction, which is documented by an eviction notice, order of eviction, or past due rent statement or one or more individuals within the household has qualified for unemployment benefits AND can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, which may be documented by providing:
- Proof of cost burden (30% or more of their income is paid towards rent; and
- Is delinquent on a Water, Electric, or Gas utility bill or any other evidence of such risk, as determined or approved by THDA.
CALL 865-691-2551
Steve Bandy, EXT 4262
Lisa Condrey, EXT 4248
Carmen Lozada-Anker, EXT 4259