Blount County Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) Program wins 3rd place in the NCOA Falls Free Photo Contest
Sep 18, 2017
Congratulations to the Blount County Office on Aging and Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) program for winning 3rd Place in the National Council on Aging's 2017 Falls Free Photo Contest. We extend congratulations to Terri Stewart, Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) Master Trainer and Maryville class instructor who submitted the photo to the NCOA for the Annual Fall Prevention Photo Contest. Terri has been the heart and soul of the SAIL class in Blount County. She is joined by two other instructors, Juli Rigell and Thelma Lamb, whose contributions to the SAIL program are much appreciated.
Many of the senior centers in East Tennessee have the SAIL fall prevention exercise program. Maryville First Baptist Church is one of our most active sites. We’re very proud of the leader and the class which has recently celebrated it’s one year anniversary. It has grown to capacity and plans to expand beyond the three days per week are in the works. Blount County now has a small team of certified instructors with Terri leading the way, and Joani Shaver, Blount County Office on Aging Director, at the helm!
A member of the SAIL class at Maryville First Baptist Church also wrote a poem that was included with the photo:
“SAILing to Safety”
There once were some old folks most weary
That even themselves couldn’t carry
But to see them all now
You would have to say “Wow!”
Thanks to Thelma, Juli, and Terri
These folks who once seemed so frail
Are now more hardy and hail
They can stretch and can breathe
Leg and hand weights they heave
After joining a class called S.A.I.L.
S.A.I.L. = Stay Active and Independent for Life
Visit the NCOA Falls Free Photo Contest here: