Tennessee Federation for the Aging Annual Awards Luncheon
Dec 18, 2017
The Tennessee Federation for the Aging held their Annual Awards Luncheon on November 29, 2017 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, during the 2017 Aging Conference. East Tennessee was well represented with three award winners.
Pictured above are Jeana Mills (TFA Conference Co-Chair), Aaron Bradley (ETAAAD Director), Denise West (East TN Elderwatch Chair), John Bender (ETAAAD Special Projects Manager) and Julie Jones (TFA President) with the Aging Innovation Award, which recognizes projects and programs throughout Tennessee that improve the lives of older adults in the community. Denise West is accepting the award.
Anita King was awarded the Lena Mae Pickens Volunteer Award for her outstanding dedication and volunteer work with ETHRA through the East Tennessee Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program and the Public Guardianship Program over the past 30+ years. Congratulations Anita! Jeana Mills (TFA Conference Co-Chair) and Julie Jones (TFA President) made the presentation.
Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally was awarded the East TN Legislative Aging Champion Award, which recognizes a Current State Legislator who advocates for Older Adult issues. Accepting on his behalf were Aaron Bradley, Director, East TN Area Agency on Aging and Disability, and Jim Shulman, Executive Director, TN Commission on Aging and Disability.
For more information on TFA, visit their website at http://www.tnfederationfortheaging.org/.