Volunteer Opportunity : Public Guardianship Needs You!
Feb 5, 2020
The Public Guardianship Program Needs You!!
Most of our frail, elderly clients have very few visitors. They are lonely and time passes slowly. If they had friends and family, they probably would not need the Public Guardianship Program.
The Public Guardianship Program utilizes volunteers to enhance services to our seniors. Our volunteers are the eyes and ears – and the heart - of the program. Volunteers visit our seniors monthly to check on their welfare and to let them know that they matter and are not forgotten.
Volunteers make a real difference in the lives of our seniors. For more information about becoming a Public Guardian Volunteer, please contact:
Saundra Bandy, Volunteer Coordinator
(865) 691-2551 ext. 4214
For more information on our guardianship program, please visit: