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Commodity Foods

Provides supplemental food to eligible households in a 5-county region.




Commodity food products are distributed quarterly in Campbell, Claiborne, Morgan, Scott, and Union Counties. The types of foods at each distribution vary according to what is available from the USDA surplus food delivery. Eligible persons fall within 150% of the poverty guidelines and receive SSI, SSA, TANF or live in public housing.





History: TEFAP was first authorized in 1981 to distribute foods purchased by USDA to support agriculture markets for household use. The program was designed to help reduce Federal food inventories while assisting low-income persons. Food inventories had largely been depleted by 1988. Therefore, the Hunger Prevention Act of 1988 authorized funds to be appropriated for the purchase of USDA Foods specifically for TEFAP. Foods acquired with appropriated funds are in addition to any ‘bonus’ foods purchased by USDA to support agriculture markets. The program was formally named The Emergency Food Assistance Program under the 1990 Farm Bill.

Program Quick Stats


Households assisted in 2016

Canned Pork

Most anticipated item

33 pounds

Average weight of a food box