Community Youth Intervention
Intensive supervision to serious juvenile offenders who have been unsuccessful at all other probation and/or treatment programs and have a prior history with the juvenile court.
Providing supervision for juvenile offenders at home reduces the number of delinquent commitments to state custody and provides a significant savings in state funds, which was the program's original objective when it began in 1986.
Referrals are made to the program by the juvenile court judges. To be appropriate for program supervision, an offender must have prior delinquent charges and a current charge which is serious enough to warrant commitment to a state facility. Ideally, the offender should have already gone through other probation and/or treatment programs without success.
The Community Youth Intervention program provides a wide range of services to the offenders and their families. Services provided include: drug screens, alcohol and drug counseling, random curfew checks, monitoring of community service, a parenting curriculum, value training, life skills trainng, school visits to monitor behavior and progress, home visits, and monitoring payment of court ordered obligations such as victim restitution, court costs, and fines.
Program Quick Stats
Average offender cases
Average caseload per manager
Grant from the Tennessee Department of Children's Services.
Counties Served
Claiborne County, Cocke County, Grainger County, Hamblen County, Jefferson County