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Housing & Utilities
Assistance with rent costs and home utilities, heating and cooling costs.
Help paying utility bills and home heating costs
Helping weatherize homes for low-income families to reduce their fuel costs while contributing to national energy conservation through increased energy efficiency.
Helps low-income families obtain safe, decent housing at an affordable price.
Housing & Utilities FAQ
How do I qualify for help with my utility bill in the LIHEAP program?
The total gross income in the household must not exceed 125% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines and you must apply for assistance.
How quickly can I expect to receive help on my heat or utility bill?
For qualifying households in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) it takes up to 30 days to process payment to the utility company. LIHEAP processes crisis payments (for shut-off notices) within 48 hours.
How do I apply for help with my heat costs?
You can apply online by clicking on the APPLY HERE button on the LIHEAP program page or call 1-844-309-0416 to schedule an appointment in an office near you. Qualifying households can receive assistance one time during a year (July 1 - June 30).