Title VI and Equal Opportunity
If you believe you have been discriminated against while applying for benefits at ETHRA, please complete this form (English) / (Spanish version) and return to ETHRA's Title VI / Equal Opportunity Officer, Steve Bandy, by email at sbandy@ethra.org or fax to (865) 531-7216. Download our full Title VI/Equal Opportunity Assurance Policy by clicking here for English and here for Spanish.
For more information about the TennCare Discrimination Policy, please read this statement from the TennCare's Office of Civil Right's Compliance (English) / (Spanish Version).
If you have an ADA related complaint for Public Transit (ONLY), you can find more information about how to file a complaint at ETHRA Public Transit.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Reasonable Accommodations
ETHRA is an equal opportunity employer/service provider, and ensures that no person shall be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefit of, or subjected to discrimination under any program on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, sex, disability, national origin, family status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other group protected by federal or state law.
If you are disabled, any staff member can be of assistance to help you with a special accommodation needed to fully participate in any ETHRA program. You may also directly contact Steve Bandy, Title VI/Equal Opportunity Officer, with your request. The request may be made in writing, by email (sbandy@ethra.org), by phone (865-691-2551, extension 4262, or TTY 800-848-0298), or at the agency’s website (ethra.org).
For contact information about reasonable accomodations, please see our Reasonable Accommodation Policy (English) / (Spanish Version).